Steward Bank
The Steward Bank Smart ATM

Video: Here’s How You Can Notice An ATM Machine That’s Been Tampered With By Fraudsters

We’ve been complaining about card cloning for a while now and since our police force is not exactly prepared to deal with the crime, you’re pretty much on your own when it comes to protecting yourself against card cloning and most other cyber crimes.

Thankfully we came across this video that shows a skimming machine (it duplicates your card details) and what it may look like:

Now that’s something most people would miss if it were not for the fact that you’re actually consciously looking for it or you’re aware of a tell-tale sign on how to spot such things. People who run card cloning schemes are notorious for the speed at which they can wipe your account and avoiding such incident might be your best bet, especially in Zimbabwe where the police will probably shrug helplessly if you report such crimes


  1. Anonymous

    But how does this apply to those small POS machines that are used to clone here in Zimbabwe

  2. Ah, but why ???

    Does anything come out of an ATM machine is Zim, is there any use sticking your card into an ATM in Zim ?

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