Zimbabwe To Continue Using The Multicurrency System, Says RBZ Whilst Dismissing Tendai Biti’s Claim

John Mangudya (RBZ Governor)

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has put to rest Tendai Biti’s claim that the government is going to introduce a new currency this week. The former Finance Minister’s claim gained the ire of many people who were accusing the government of trying to make the situation worse for them by demonetizing their bond notes and RTGS balances. In its Twitter post the, Central Bank said:

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe would like to urge members of the public to dismiss, with utmost contempt, claims being circulated on social media regarding the introduction of a new Zimbabwe currency. The country shall continue to use the multi-currency system. Members of the public should not be misled by such counterproductive fake news.



5 responses

  1. Fishy Avatar

    Nevertheless why is the monetary policy being delayed???? !!!!

  2.  Avatar

    Big lies again. Every thing that has been leaked before has come true. They will just delay again like they did with the bond note and then surprise us. We live in disaster. Thank you Jesus some of us have our family for support. That is all we have.

  3. Mbongozidana Mapisvole Avatar
    Mbongozidana Mapisvole

    So Zimbabwe is infested with naive idiots to such incredible levels? Is Biti the right person to announce this, and with what intentions? By the way, when was Biti either a Finance minister or part of the monetary policy making body?

    1. Judgement Day Avatar
      Judgement Day

      Biti was the Finance minister who brought the USD after Zanu PF messed up our currency to a point of a tissue paper. How ignorant are you not to know. All these fake unbacked money will always come crushing down, what’s new here that we don’t know?

    2. Naive Zimbabwean Idiot Avatar
      Naive Zimbabwean Idiot

      2009-2013. It says so on that “About Tendai Biti” link…. The one right after the article you just read…. #justsaying

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