If you’re an avid user of the Dial a Delivery app you’re going to be in for a surprise soon, as you will be able to get your food delivered to you via horse.
The recently announced Send a Stallion service will be coming to users sometime in April and DaD’s twitter announcement was pretty interesting:
The delivery team that will be working on this fuel-saving service is still undergoing training and they’ve been at it for the better part of the year as explained in the video tweeted out by Dial a delivery:
It’s an interesting concept and I wonder whether this will be quicker than delivering the food using their bikes. I’m leaning towards no but maybe the horses can navigate traffic quicker. Anyway the campaign seems targeted at ticking a different box…
Viral marketing…
This campaign by DaD is the definition of viral marketing and no doubt the selfies and pictures that are going to come from this will do a lot for DaD’s brand recognition.
[Update 1/4/2019]: Dial a Delivery has come out and said this service was not in the pipeline at all but was actually an elaborately planned April Fool’s Prank
5 responses
Selfies can spook up the horse my guy!
My biggest concern is how the horses will handle the Hwindi element on our roads
3 days early
I like this concept a great way to deliver something and alao it will make fial delivery more popular as everybody will begin to talk about it. A first in sich an industry. kudos for brand awarenezs there very viral i must say jot even selfies just the peculiarity of it will get many talking. As someone who has ridden horses in my early teenage years i wonder how horses and traffic will fair. Also horse hoofs and tar. They usually slip on tarred roads unless they have some hoof shoes for them. Because it will have to achieve some speed i imagine to get food there on time. so am wondering will it be horse and chariot kind of delivery. or single horse as the advert shows. Great stuff!
Yeah this one will probably get countrywide recognition for them and becomes something to experience for customers.
lol its quite clear they’re just horsing around for April 1.