Omni Contact is Econet’s new Business Process Outsourcing company aiming to handle businesses call centre solutions along with other business needs. The gist of their pitch is that by taking these services off the hands of your business, your business will be able to focus on its core activities.
So what will Omni Contact take care of for you?
Otis Makahamidze Omni Contact’s Chief Customer Experience Officer gave a presentation on the newest service and it will do more than just managing your calls. The other services you can get from them include:
- AI Chatbots for Social Media & Websites
- Customer Loyalty & Retention Management
- Customer Lifecycle Management
- Customer Intelligence & Predictive Analytics
- Market Research & Intelligence Surveys
- Social Media Management & Social Listening
- Sales & Customer Acquisition
- Debt Collection Services
- Customer Experience Consultancy
- Technical & Helpdesk
- Inbound Customer Engagement
One of the biggest questions businesses may have regarding this new service is pretty simple. Why would I ask an Econet-owned business to handle my calls when getting through to the Econet call centre is nigh-on impossible. Well, I asked that question to the Business Development Officer Farisai Murombedzi and she explained clearly why the call centre experience for your business will be easier to manage than that of Econet. Econet has over 7 million subscribers and that makes it quite difficult to attend to them but your business won’t have to support those kinds of numbers.
Startups are welcome too
In terms of pricing, Omni Contact wasn’t committal at giving rates and instead said they first assess what your business needs and then quote. They did, however, say they would make sure your business is saving costs, which is something you would expect them to announce. They did, however, say they had the capacity to assist startups, which sounds a bit far-fetched once you start thinking of how many startups are struggling with funding. Of course, that claim could be accurate but with pricing being on a consultative basis it’s hard to know for a fact who can and can’t afford.
Two week FREE trial period
Because Omni Contact believes this offering will be valuable to every business they announced that they will offer businesses a two-week trial period at no cost and then you can decide whether or not you’re committing which is a pretty confident approach to business. If you’re interested in the trial you can get in touch with Omni Contact via email;
16 responses
The number of subscribers supported shouldn’t be an excuse for poor customer care reachability. Either you need to expand your customer care proportionally, or fix the the problems that cause people to always need to call customer care. It’s also a hint that if Omni gets over-subscribed by companies, service will decline based on the same numbers argument.
Thats super fantastic.
The email you gave in your article does not work!!!!
Lets give these guys a chance. By the way ths is another ist from Econet & as a som 1 in buzness i fil i have to join the chariot with my company. History shows that Econet has bin & is in the fronline chnging operational buznes dynamice. Check wat they did & are doing with VAYA. Thats powerful staff. By the way, i hva tested their online chating platform its right on time, hussle, u got a query and u go there theyl assist. I think the model is valid and relevant esp in Zim where a lot of companies like mine are struggling to balance the equation in service delivery. All i can say is, what they highlighted is all that a bussiness needs, so they are making it easy for me to operate. #Mythoughts#ThumbsUpEconet#ThanksTechzim for covering this.
Lets give these guys a chance. By the way ths is another ist from Econet & as som 1 in buzness i fil i hav to join the chariot with my company. History shows that Econet has bin & is in the frontline chnging operational buznes dynamics. Check wat they did & are doing with VAYA. Thats powerful staff. By the way, i hv tested their online chating platform & its right on time, hussle free, f u got a query jst go there & check, theyl assist u. I think the model is valid & relevant esp in Zim where a lot of companies like mine are struggling to balance the equation in service delivery. All i can say is, what they highlighted is all that a bussiness needs, so they are making it easy for me to operate. #Mythoughts#ThumbsUpEconetformakinghistory#ThanksTechzim for covering this.
Its not the first this time. There ia a company called CallConnect who are offering exctaly the same services. CallConnectZim opened its doors last year in September
This is a great innovation. I think the best way to learn is to follow what others are doing like Econet. This type of Bussiness model is #Dope YoYoYo -it seems to be a great move. Why continue to call them if they gave us their alternative platforms Lol they gave us their SelfCare platforms, email platform, web chats, USSD, Facebook and Twitter platforms Khayiiii! Asi isu tongoramba tichingovafonera chete, ummmmmmm. Well done Buddies! Hop some will copy and paste soon kkk
Exciting news indeed! Great staff there.
Why do some of these comments sound hyped, like they’re from Econet employees? I use econet because of their reliable Internet, chete. The rest they’re pretty useless, stealing money from our accounts for ecosure. Nxaa
Definately Hyped comments. Its petty. Sooo Petty of Econet
Ok ok but this thing aint new to Zim i am reliably informed that CallConnect already offers these services so i think its not a new thing!!!
There is call connect already doing the same thing.. econet offers poor mobile service I won’t risk my customer care services with them.. focus on your core business before venturing out!!
This is really awesome
Econet for life kkkk
copy cat econet…..a big company that takes peoples’ ideas and and over run the small company who are trying to put food on they family table. econet has loots of money and should be doing things that sms are not doing and can not do
Life is all a level ground.Enough money out there for everyone to get a piece of the cake.We gotta stop with this whole Econet stealing ideas theory coz that puts us in mental prison.Go get it