EcoCash and telecash stands

{Updated} How To Transfer Money From OneMoney, Telecash To EcoCash And Vice Versa

Let’s talk about the long-desired feature introduced by Steward bank yesterday that enables people to transfer money between wallets. That’s the magic of Sosholoza: you can move money between Telecash and OneMoney and EcoCash through Steward Bank’s WhatsApp banking service. You can also move money between these aforementioned wallets to any bank too. You are obviously wondering how one can do that.  Well, let me show you how:

  1. Add the Shosholoza number to your contacts (+263777222333).
  2. Open your WhatsApp, and text “Hi” to the Shosholoza number
  3. You will then start to interact with the bot called Batsi which will ask your name.
  4. After providing your name, you are presented with the banking services menu and on the top of the options is Sosholoza
  5. Send “1” for Sosholoza
  6. You will then be presented with a sub-menu of the Sosholoza transaction you want to do. Since you want to move money from a wallet, choose option 1 “Any wallet To Any Bank”.
  7. You will be asked the amount of money you want to transfer.
  8. You will also be asked the destination of where you want to send the money to. So just select the wallet you are sending money to
  9. You will then be asked for your pin code through a popup to enable the transfer of money from your wallet to another.
  10. After entering the pin code you’d have successfully transferred money from one wallet to another.

Previously, I included too many unnecessary steps to move money from one wallet to another. So now its just 10 steps.


  1. Anonymous

    No need to go that long way. When you get to Any wallet to bank, just select One Money or Telecash as they have been listed as banks.

    • Alvine Chaparadza

      Thanks. I corrected it. Thank you

  2. E. M

    Unfortunately I am failing to transfer money to OneMoney from either bank or from EcoCash. I am not sure where I am not getting it right.

  3. Kumbi

    OneMoney can receive money from any bank so need to use Sosholoza there however this is a good initiative, I wonder why Ecocash doesn’t send money to other banks.

  4. ahhh, umm im confusssed a lot !

    In step 6 you say: “You will then be presented with a sub-menu of the Sosholoza transaction you want to do. Since you want to move money from a wallet, choose option 1 “Any wallet To Any Bank”.” so we are moving from a wallet to a bank here? Then in step 8 you say “You will also be asked the destination of where you want to send the money to. So just select the wallet you are sending money to” Please clarify if this is to move money from a wallet to a bank, or a wallet to a wallet, am i missing something?

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