For most people, including myself Yomix bundles are awesome. I have been using them ever since they were introduced and despite some of Yomix’s shortcomings, such as an unexplained downtime a few weeks ago were we were told engineers were working flat out to restore service, I have to say this is a great service. Besides it seems everything Econet these days is suffering from some sort of system challenge.
The issue of pricing
When I first recommended the bundles to my friend he quickly signed up and got the shock of his life. When he looked at the prices they were quite different from what I was paying for the same bundles! In fact there was a substantial difference between what I was paying for the monthly bundles and what they were asking him to pay.
If you are wondering by how much? Well, they were asking him to pay close to 3 times what I had paid for them. When the group of us started comparing prices we discovered one of our friend was paying way less for the same custom bundle that I was paying. Like it was half of what I was being asked to pay!
Naturally the accountant in me wanted to know the criteria being used here. Could it be age? My friend is a few months older than me and the guy paying less is the youngest among us all. A few days later and that theory was out of the window as some younger guys seemed to be paying more than me.
We looked all sorts of things and none of them added up. Maybe it was because you mentioned a high income somewhere when you signed up for Elevate? Again this does not appear to be the case. One frustrated colleague was going nuts trying to understand the whole thing they got in touch with Econet.
What Econet has to say
Hi my name is xxx xxx from econet wireless for the current Yomix tariffs they are dynamic as they rise and steadily fall due to time and the amount of data consumption intake of either your daily or monthly usage
thank you [Edited spellings for clarity and redacted name of agent who responded]
So Econet are keeping cards close to their chest with regards to the formula. There are hints however in this response. Theoretically the more you consume the more you will have to pay for the next bundle. To be honest I cannot say I have tested this extensively. My preliminary finding is that this is not exactly true.
You see I have bought four or five bundles in one month and the data price did not change. Maybe there is a threshold I am not crossing?! upon which the data prices change. The price for data I pay does not change according to period of validity although it does for some of my friends anyway so validity seems not to be an issue for some as it is for others.
I have tried buying bundles at various times of day and again the price does not seem to change as the statement seems to suggest. Yes, I have tried at what might be considered peak hours and in the CBD too for good measure. I have tried during off-peak hours and no there does not seem to be any correlation as the Econet statement seems to suggest.
In any case the offered explanation does not explain the price difference for people who are buying bundles for the first time. Could it be the price you get the first time depends on the time of day or demand on the first day you signed up and you are stuck with it? Could it be a neighborhood thing, those from High Density and rural areas pay less or something?
It’s all very confusing
Yes, it’s all very confusing indeed and yet I have no doubt I will ultimately crack this walnut and when I do, dear reader, you will be the first one to know. Or has someone cracked it already, let us know in the comments because there is a chance even Econet do not know how they are coming up with these bundle prices 😉
One response
I’ve noticed YOMIX has been offered as a personalised bundle differing among users in prices dependant with usage. Therefore offering different discounts. I’m loving the value I’m getting ere in terms of voice minutes, data and sms.