Increase Your Battery’s Lifespan With These 5 Battery-Saving Apps

Are you looking for a way to monitor and manage the battery consumption of your phone? Well, battery saver apps are really helpful as they help to enhance your phone’s or tablet’s battery life. Here, I have listed 7 battery-saver apps that you should check out:


Servicely functions on rooted Android phone. It displays the apps that take away the majority of battery power. It can also identify services and apps functioning on the background which you can then disable.

Download it here


This app offers the user a clear idea about the battery capacity and the way it functions in different scenarios.

Download it here


Greenify has certain effective battery optimization features that help in enhancing battery life. It lists the apps that are functioning on the background that you can then put into hibernation mode.

Download it here

Avast Battery Saver

This app is dedicated to extending the battery life as it stops certain apps that remain unused and optimize device settings. The user has to tap the Avast Battery Saver app to open and again tap the option Stop Apps to enhance the performance of the phone.

Download it here

GSam Battery Monitor

In essence, this is not a battery saving app but offers complete information about the apps that are consuming your battery. You can use that information to uninstall or disable those apps.

Download it here


  1. Anonymous

    In my view none of these work. Nore do any others. Switch your phone onto a networks 3g or 4g and your battery will drain quickly while on the internet.

  2. Shakemore Rwizi

    GSam Battery Monitor its 100 % can show you the app that consuming battery and you are able to unstall the app.

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