Press Release: Nashua Continues With Their Monthly Donation Drive, You Can Recommend A Worthy Charity

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“ We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give” – Winston Churchill

Corporate social responsibility at Nashua Zimbabwe begins with our concern for the welfare of our staff, however it does not end there.

Providing complete automated business solutions to our clients we endeavor to provide those same solutions for those who would otherwise not have the opportunity or means to.

Monthly Donation Drive

Nashua’s Chairman, Terry Kelly, has throughout the past 30 years been giving away machines or helping out where he could, more in a personal capacity than officially.

Inspired by his gestures and good will, we commenced our ‘Donation Drive’

Reaching out to the public for their suggestions of charities or orginastions who need help, we look into the suggestions and our Donation Committee selects one charity a month to donate a printer/copier too.

2019 saw the Donation Drive 2019 kick starting off with donating a much needed machine to The Sunshine Project.

Sunshine Zimbabwe Project was established in 2011 to provide education and training to adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities.  This project was developed in response to a need for a facility to cater for school leavers from special schools within Harare. Their mission is to empower adolescents and adults with learning difficulties by providing a relevant and inclusive education that prepares them for employment and independence within the community. They currently have 50 students attending Sunshine Zimbabwe Project.

In February, Nashua’s’ Head of Administration and Human Resources, Mr. John Dzvinamurungu went and donated a machine to Global Mission.  

They were very grateful for the donation as it will go a long way in printing literature on Albinism since they have embarked on nationwide campaigns to both highlight the plight of people living with albinism as well as demystifying albinism per say.

March has seen us with many applications for a donation and the Donation Committee decided on the Highlands Presbyterian Church. The work, effort and heart they have put towards arranging and coordinating relief for victims of the Iada Cyclone has been astonishing and relentless.

Laura Kelly, the Nashua Marketing Manager says:

I am always touched by the charities, organisations and schools out there doing all they can with very little resource, if any at all. If in someway we are able to help and provide a machine which these Charites/organisations would not have otherwise had, then I feel there is certainly a ripple affect into communities and that is what we are trying to achieve by doing this. What we are really looking for toward mid-year are the schools who have no means of obtaining a printer/copier yet it would change the daily operation of the school and better improve not only the teachers teaching methods, but the end result is the children are provided worksheets/ information etc that they wouldn’t have otherwise had. Those are the schools I’m after!

Given the logistics of requiring technicians to set the machine up, ideally these schools would be in and around Harare but this is not to say the Committee won’t consider schools out of Harare. I’m asking the public to please, by way of commenting, to send us who they think could benefit from this. Please ensure you provide us contact details too!

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