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Tariffs For Voice And Data Are Under Review And Will Likely Go Up Soon

According to a Herald report, Phibion Chaibva, the Customer Services Manager for the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe hinted at the possibility of tariff increases in the sector soon.

This follows the liberisation of foreign currency trade through an interbank market re-introduced by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe last month. The development effectively meant revenues by all persons and businesses across the country were reduced by a factor of 2.5 (the official exchange rate).

Lately, operators have been complaining about lack of access to foreign currency for network expansion, maintenance and upgrades. They have thus been pushing for their tariffs to track the foreign currency exchange rate.

Chaibva said the regulator was in consultation with operators to come up with a new tariffs regime.

Such changes have always sparked a lot of debate and outcry in Zimbabwe. Already some believe Zimbabweans are paying too much to access the internet particularly.