This Is What WhatsApp’s Dark Mode Will Actually Look Like

Farai Mudzingwa Avatar

As far back as September last year we wrote about WhatsApp beginning work on a new feature; dark mode. Screenshots of that feature are now in the public after WA BetaInfo got their hands on them.

So what will this long awaited dark mode look like? Well here are some pictures from WhatsApp’s most prolific leaker WA BetaInfo:

The dark mode looks quite cool but there is still no information on when this feature is actually coming to users. WA BetaInfo suggested this will take some time since the feature is still rough around the edges:

As we wrote previously, the Dark Mode is not available yet and a release date is unknown: I suppose it will take time because the Dark Mode is not ready yet and it needs a lot of development.


One response

  1. Anonymous

    I love it already!