A job that attracts 7 000 candidates and you get picked! Congratulations to 24 year old Stephanie Travers.
Stephanie’s team, Mercedez-AMG Petronas has won the F1 title 5 times. This is home to one of the most popular drivers, Lewis Hamilton. We would give anything for such a job…
18 responses
Very impressive. Fluid engineer. What’s important to note is the strength of the skills set in Zimbabwe Vs the economic performance or rather, the rate of de-industrialisation while such high quality personnel is available in diverse fields including motor racing where we are no longer noticeably active.
The point is, there is something missing in the harnessing of all these great minds towards Production to grow our country and our country’s image. Whether its politics or a government weakness is a whole complex looking but simple subject to be pursued.
Being Zimbabwean does not mean she learnt at CUT orNUST. So why congratulate
you dont have to . . . Others want to
kushaya zvakunoita so
we not celebrating university we celebrating a fellow zimbo
I congratulate because she is special
She’s not a product of free education that’s why she has excelled in what she set out to be coz she knows the blood and sweat her parents go thethro to pay for all the requirements to be were she is
Out of touch.
Well done
Congratulations Steph you make us Zimboz proud, even though our country has gone to the dogs.
Gone to the dogs because of politics
Due to politics
Stephanie Travers congratulations for such a wonderful opportunity. What matters is your success.
Excellent work Stephanie
you have inspired me STEPHANIE, WELLDONE