All 3 Mobile Networks Increased Data Prices, Twimbos Are Not Happy

Man On Phone

The past 6 days have been darker than a Game of Thrones episode (seriously, those guys need to fix the lighting on their show!). On the 24th, NetOne announced their new OneFusion bundles and it’s safe to say everyone was pretty alarmed at how expensive the internet was getting. Everyone except Telecel and Econet who were also going to announce new data prices shortly after and ensure that subscribers are hit from left, right and centre.

Ok, dramatic introduction aside. Mobile data is getting significantly more expensive and it’s hard to blame the mobile network operators. After all their infrastructure is bought using forex and bandwidth is also bought using forex so sustaining the relatively affordable data pricing was getting less and less realistic. And don’t even mention those reports saying we had the second most expensive mobile data. That was hogwash and our worthless bonds were not being taken into consideration in any of those discussion.

Rant aside, people on Twitter woke up to the new Econet data bundles, or “smart data bouquets” as Econet would like you to call them. Twimbos (Zimbos on Twitter) are not amused. Here are some of their reactions thus far:

Of all the reactions I came across I’ve only seen one subscriber who is fond of the new pricing:

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  1. Anonymous

    Eish, these prices are a killer mhan!!!

  2. Reenan

    Okay yes we understand that things are really bad but for how shall we endure this pain..bread has gone up..fuel prices hiked mobile networks also …l think its time the government goes to action and stop wasting out time with empty promises

  3. Anonymous

    The increase in price may be understandable but its seems even the rate at which these bundle deplete has also increased (for Econet)

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