Despite the fact that cash’s role in our financial system is thinning, critical things that require cash like paying for kombie or buying in Mbare, makes one realise that cash is still integral in doing business in Zimbabwe. If you don’t want to pay a premium of EcoCash charges or just pay a fee to get cash, you have to be prepared to wait an hour or two in a queue to withdraw the cash at a bank ( if you have an account).
Of course, you’d want to know if the amount of time you spend in the queue is (almost) commensurate with the amount of cash you’d be allowed to withdraw at a certain bank. Below I have listed banks and the amount they are allowing their individual customers to withdraw:
Bank | Maximum amount of cash | |||
ZB Bank | RTGS300 per week | |||
NMB Bank | RTGS150 per week | |||
Barclays | RTGS300 per week | |||
Stanbic | RTGS300 per week | |||
Nedbank | RTGS300 per week | |||
POSB | Between RTGS 60 and 100 | |||
CBZ Bank | Depends on Availability | |||
Steward Bank | Depends on Availability | |||
BancAbc | $50 per day |
NB: Banks that are not listed here either didn’t reply us or declined to give us their figures. We trust that if your bank is not listed here and you know how much its allowing customers to withdraw, you can just tell us below in our comment section.
2 responses
ZB bank says 300 but its hardly ever available
Ecobank 50 dollars per week at the ATM amd if u are lucky you get upto 300 in coins in the banking hall