If You’re Going To ZITF, The Innovators Forum Is A Must Attend

Farai Mudzingwa Avatar

It’s that time of the year again, and next week from 23-27 the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair will be taking place. One of the events to look forward to for techies will definitely be the Innovators Forum.

According to ZITF the innovators forum is an event dedicated to bringing young entrepreneurs together to highlight local innovations, network and exchange knowledge in a bid to revive industry and give them an opportunity to turn the economy around.

The forum which will be hosted for the second year running will take place on the 24th and 25th. The theme of the event is Innovation: The engine to Industrial and Economic Growth.

On the 24th ,there will be speaker and innovations presentations followed by deliberation and handing out of prizes. The presentations will be based on the following topics:

  • The future of the young innovators and entrepreneurship in Zimbabwe
  • Latest innovation trends and what the Zimbabwean Innovator can learn from them
  • Gaps and Opportunities for innovators in the various sector
  • Testimonial from a local Entrepreneur/ innovator

On the 2nd day of the forum, participants will take part in a hackathon to be determined by one of the sponsor companies.

The Innovators Forum has the following objectives:

  • Promote and highlight innovations from various sectors by local youth entrepreneurs to facilitate industrial and economic growth.
  • Equip and empower youth to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit for job creation.
  • Create space were young innovators can meet up and share ideas with their peers while developing their entrepreneurial skills.

Who can register?

The Innovators Forum is for “young innovators” between 20-35. Participants should be practising entrepreneurs who are in college/university or recently graduated.

If you’re interested in registering for