Pay Your DStv Subscription In RTGS Dollars


Having to go in the street or to bureau de changes and banks to buy US Dollars for paying your DStv subscription to Multichoice Zimbabwe can be somewhat a hassle for some folks. Good News! Techzim is here to spare you that hassle. You can now pay for your DSTV subscription in RTGS Dollars right here on Techzim.

How do you pay for your subscription on RTGS Dollars on Techzim?

To pay for your DStv in RTGS dollars follow these simple steps:

  • Visit or click the following link:
  • Select your preferred subscription bouquet
  • Put your DStv’s SmartCard number (SmartCard number not account number)
  • Put the surname of the DStv Account Holder
  • Put your WhatsApp number so that we can notify you when your DStv subscription is now activated
  • Make a payment of your prefered subscription bouquet to our Techzim Account using ZIPIT.
  • After making your ZIPIT payment, take a screenshot of the payment and upload the screenshot.
  • Click “Buy”
  • We will then credit your account. As we mentioned before, we will then notify you on WhatsApp that your subscription has been activated.

How long does it take till your account is activated?

  • When you make a payment before 09:30 your account will be activated by 10:00
  • When you make a payment between 09:30 and 12:30 your account will be activated by 13:00
  • When you make a payment between 12:30 and 3:30 your account will be activated by 16:00
  • When you make a payment after 15:30 your account will be activated by 10:00 the next day.

N:B The above turnaround times are for payments made during the week- Monday to Friday.

How much do you pay?

At the moment, we are using a USD to RTGS rate of 5.0. We charge a transaction fee of RTGS$6 only. Check out the table below to see how we calculate you entirely pay for each subscription bouquet you chose.

BouquetUSD PriceIn RTGSProcessing Fee (RTGS)Total You Pay
Compact +US$40.00$800.00$40..00$840.00
Xtra View (Add on)US$11.00$220.00$40.00$260.00
PVR (Add on)US$11.00$220.00$40.00$260.00

We also have an option for paying in US Dollars. If you want to use US dollars, then click or follow this link:

Also read: Use EcoCash to buy NetOne and Telecel Airtime – Here’s How


4 responses

  1. Worried Avatar

    A rate of 5 interesting… Better not let the rbz find out

  2.  Avatar

    This service is going to be shutdown. Soon.

  3. rbz loves black market ! Avatar
    rbz loves black market !

    its the rbz that runs this sort of thing everyday, why would rbz want to shut it down, black market is rbz’s specialty !!

  4. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
    Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    I just think that if you are going to use a mega rate, you shouldn’t be charging a processing fee. It’s markup on markup.

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