ZSE Redesigned And Made Their Website Great Again


The first time we wrote about the ZSE website back in 2013, we couldn’t help but admire how USEFUL the site was. Unfortunately, things took a turn for worse; the website was taken down and what came back in 2016 was a shell of its former self. It ceased to be useful and though it took the ZSE some time to realise this, they seem to have come to that realisation now.

Finding what you need when you need…

ZSE redesigned their website once again and they have gone back to basics this time around. Gone are the irrelevant tabs like “corporate announcements”, “My ZSE”, “FAQs” welcoming. Instead you have an accessible dashboard with the latest shifts on the markets front and centre. This means as soon as you land on the site you already have Top gainers, top losers and an index table staring right at you.

Scroll down a bit more and the useful information keeps being thrown in your face with important stats like market cap, turnover, foreign buys and sales along with trades. All of this is front and centre which means you don’t have to fiddle around looking for stuff.

The listed companies and stockbrokers are conveniently placed in the header and whilst we speak of companies there’s been a shift on the info you get from the ZSE site. When you go to a company’s page on the site you’ll have access to the following:

  • Cautionary statements to investors
  • Notices
  • Annual reports
  • Physical address of the company
  • Contact details
  • Link to the website of the company

This is pretty neat but when it comes to annual reports some companies don’t upload them online and therefore the ZSE website won’t have those. For access to historical data or libraries on companies, you’ll have to get those directly from ZSE and that will probably come at a charge.

Users will also be able to scroll between companies seamlessly with the previous and next buttons that have been placed on company pages.

The stockbrokers list works pretty similarly and users will be able to see a list of brokers along with their contact details and links to their websites.

Mobile friendly

One of the complaints regarding the ZSE websites, even the one we loved back in 2013 was that the site wasn’t necessarily mobile friendly. ZSE have rectified that and whether you’re visiting the site from your phone or a laptop you’re going to have a good experience. At least I did…


For users who want market data and reports, there’s also a subscription option that you sign up for if you head to the market data tab in the header.

Making the ZSE website great again

The new ZSE website is pretty fantastic and that’s great because one of the factors that decide whether investors (both foreign and local) actually invest in companies in our country is access to information that makes it easier for them to invest. The new ZSE website makes it easier to access information and therefore eases the burdens investors had before.Now, whether the impact of this change will be felt or not is yet to be seen but kudos to ZSE for revising their site.

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