Last year as we approached elections a number of us were surprised when we started receiving unsolicited messages from the President asking for our vote. What pissed many of was the fact that many who received the message were not members of the ZANU PF and were surprised that the party had their number…
In South Africa, over the past few days, there has been a similar but not so similar occurrence as voters have been receiving texts from the ANC President Cyril Ramaphose, asking them to vote for him:
Dear [insert voter’s name], NOW is the time to go out and make your vote count! Regards Cyril Ramaphosa – ANC President
ANC campaign message
Don’t make it too personal
One thing our ruling party should note is the fact that the ANC’s texts were not as personal as those that we received a year ago and thus people were not as irritated and they did not feel their privacy was violated as we did. The ZANU-PF messages were area specific which was a tad bit out of line.
Make sure I’m not stuck
Another difference is the fact that the ANC’s message has an opt-out option which means if you don’t want to receive any follow-up campaign messages you can simply turn it off.
Most of the tweets I’m seeing regarding the message have a pretty light tone and many aren’t as outraged as we were:
7 responses
Hauna nyaya. Why is that people do not get irritated when they receive texts from vendors everyday. Please its business and if u are willing to pay for sending campaigns you are allowed. The one used by ANC is a research platform like what UNICEF and Kubatana do.
The truth is that they have the money to pay for the bulk SMSes to be sent not an issue of privacy.
If the messages being sent show that whoever is sending has your address you don’t feel violated?
And telemarketers?
As for me i dont mind being persuaded by the president to vote. even if its his party
It doesn’t matter people can not be fooled by personalised SMS from head of state of whoever from top government ranking people one will inavatebly ote for a party of choice!!!!!!!
It doesn’t matter people can not be fooled by personalised SMS from head of state of whoever from top government ranking people one will inavatebly vote for a party of choice!!!!!!!
The information you present is very interesting to follow, thank you very much for posting