Elevate Hosting Youth Content Creators Competition

High quality Camera, locally produced film

Elevate’s intiative’s have always been targeted at the youths. From gaming competitions to products like Yo Mix, there’s always been a youthful element. Thus it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise when Elevate announces a competition and it’s aimed at the same demographic.

Elevate Vidz Content Creators Club is looking for 10 content creators between the age of 16-34. The content creators chosen to become part of the club will get paid for their work.

To stand a chance at being one of the 10, Elevate is calling on those interested to send a short and creative skit/video to 0786 025 045.

There are some requirements you should meet in order to be eligible for selection and some of the clear-cut ones are:

  1. Be a valid Econet Wireless Subscriber
  2. Be registered with a valid Facebook or Twitter account
  3. If using Facebook like our page Elevate Facebook Page & Econet Zimbabwe
  4. If using Twitter follow @elevateyouthzw and @econetzimbabwe
  5. Send a video or skit that falls into 1 of the following categories:
  • Funny Skits
  • Short Films

You can read through the rest of the terms and conditions for entry into the Elevate competition here.

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