There are times when you want to know if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp or they are just ignoring your messages. While there’s no foolproof method, here are some things you can do to find out if you have been blocked.
Check Last Seen
When a contact blocks you on WhatsApp, you will not be able to see their last seen time. So, if you don’t see a contact’s last seen, you can take it as an indication that he/she might have blocked you. However, WhatsApp includes the ability to hide last seen, so this is not a surety that you have been blocked.
Send Messages
You can also try sending a message to the contact you think might have blocked you and if the message you sent shows a single tick instead of double ticks, you might have been blocked. If the message gets double ticks, it means that the message has landed on the recipient’s device and you are definitely not blocked.
However the problem is that there are users who use modded apps like GB WhatsApp who can tweak the apps settings so that they can receive your messages whilst the sender can’t see double ticks. So again this is not a certain method to conclude that someone has blocked you or not.
Profile Changes
If you can’t see your contact’s profile picture for a very long time then its likely that you blocked.
Make a Call
This is one concrete evidence that you might have been blocked by someone. If you call someone on WhatsApp and they never pick up, you might have been blocked because if someone has blocked you, they will not receive your call notification. Again, you might want to give it a couple of tries before jumping into a conclusion here, as the person may genuinely be busy.
Try Adding the Contact to a Group
If you feel that a particular person might have blocked you, you can check it out by adding them to a group. You can simply create a faux group to test this and try adding the contact to the group. If you have been blocked by the particular contact, you will get a message saying “Couldn’t add contact”.
The desperate method
You can ask your friend to text or call the person you think has blocked you. And if your friend’s messages or call is received then it’s obvious that you have been blocked.
If you don’t want to ask anyone, you can do that yourself by creating a second account. If you can see the profile photo and able to send messages to them, it means they have blocked you on your other number.
Thats creepy to go through all that
The best thing to do is to act like a grown up. If you are blocked, whether you deserve it or not, live with it. If you aren’t blocked, you’ll eventually find out. Pamwe unobhowa…
Wait what?? How do you create a different acct?
different sim different number
Wait what?? How do you create a different acct?
Wasted my 2 minutes successfully.
Time wasted thing
It can be also that the person took their picture off but still recieved the message.
Dominance is an American sickness.
asi tech zim mune shuwa here….
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