[Livestream] Zimswitch Payment’s Conference: Digital Economy For Africa

Farai Mudzingwa Avatar
ZimSwitch (ZIPIT) enabled card placed on top of USD in cash, 2% tax, e-commerce ZWL$ USD visa Mastercard, deposit incentives, remittances RBZ, mid term monetary policy statement, swipe USD card prepaid


  1. Anonymous

    Please Techzim would u give us a summary of what was duscussed here, some of the jagon used needs to be simplified fro the general reader

  2. Anonymous

    Also the live stream happened when @work#time so we cannot stream while working. Please summarize techzim. Thank u

    1. Farai Mudzingwa

      The video will still be available even after the stream is over

  3. Anonymous

    how do i get this for offline watching