Yo Mix is back and there are some changes, whilst it’s no longer as compelling (in terms of cost of data) it’s now open to all ages which was a widely requested feature.
We went through Twitter to gauge the reaction that an app that was once held so dearly by subscribers would get and it’s a mixed bag.
Some hate it
There’s a funny joke I often see circulating around these days about the 3 stages of life in Zimbabwe:
- Birth
- Hezvo
- Death
It seems even products go through the same life cycle and right now it looks like Yo Mix is firmly in the Hezvo phase. Hopefully it won’t be followed by death and the product can stick around and become a subscriber favourite once again.
4 responses
Ma prices acho haasikuita shuwa
Mmmmmh Prices are saying Chaora….
This YoMix is sheer madness. How can an app designed to being ease of business and convineince be more expensive than regular prices? I mean who comes up with these things? While econet is visible on corporate responsible via charities and thus morally sound, on this one you are way off your hinges. Gone done lost your marbles. Completely gaga. Maakupenga!