We Are Yet To Get 5G But Samsung Is Already Working On 6G

5G, the fifth generation cellular network technology isn’t mainstream yet. But, thanks to some proactive companies, this network has gone live at least in select countries. But it will take much time to span other regions and eventually get mature as well.

Well, speaking about the proactive companies, Samsung is definitely thinking ahead of time. While it’s strengthening itself and making sure to become one of the dominant players in the 5G, it’s eyeing on the future as well.

A report coming from The Korea Herald states that Samsung Electronics has recently formed the Advanced Communications Research Center under Samsung Research where it will focus on development and standardization of 6G. According to the report, one Samsung official said:

The current team on telecommunications technology standards has been expanded to start leading research on the 6G network

Remember that Samsung was the first to launch a 5G smartphone, the Galaxy S10 5G and it has been promoting its 5G solutions as well. So, while it’s expanding itself in 5G, it has started researching the next generation as well.

Well, in theory, this might seem to be too early but R&D takes time, so researchers are just pretty much researching on the technology and meanwhile observe 5G, which would lead them to formulate the use cases of 6G networks.


One response

  1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    You must remember that as soon as one standard is completed, work begins on the next standard. It’s like that with almost any tech related standards. Even with programming languages, for example Javascript has ES1 – ES5, ES2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 with ES2020 already in the pipeline, but on the ground browser support is at ES2016 and below.

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