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Zimbabwe And Uganda Are In The Midst Of A Hilarious War On Twitter Ahead Of Tonight’s Match

When Nelson Chamisa invited Bobbie Wine and President Mnangagwa invited his counterpart, Yoweri Museveni I thought Zimbabwe and Uganda were best friends. Boy was I wrong.

We are enemies tonight and we are in a state of war. Twitter War, I mean. Zimbabweans and Ugandans are blasting and trolling each other ahead of tonight’s match between the two national teams.

It all started after one Ugandan, Evelyn Nakayi trolled Twimbos by insinuating that Zimbabweans don’t know there’s Twitter.

And that was the Sarajevo incident that started the war between Twimbos (Zimbabweans on Twitter) and Ugandans. Here’s just a few of the shots that were fired:


  1. The Principal

    Do not post just for the sake of posting, Techzim. This is trash.

    • Zimlover

      You are trash if you dont want to read go join your others in Uganda. What have you to loose if you dont read it nxaa…

    • Stunner

      Dako rako iwe mhani

    • Van Lee Chigwada

      Don’t hate. We lost many soldiers to this war and we fought bravely.
      TZ is very right and good to share.

  2. Chigaffer

    Trash ndimbuya vakho vaipinda muchimbuzi vakakubereka

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