Bank Foreign Currency Exchange Rates Today- July 22

The following rates are the average interbank exchange rates from several commercial banks for today.

N.B: The midrate is based on the median of the rates received on the day.

Credit: The rates were gathered by Zfn at a particular time of the day so when you go to your bank the rates may have changed.

For blackmarket rates

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5 responses

  1. Brian C. C Avatar
    Brian C. C

    I am asking from a position of total ignorance, because i am outside the country. At these advertised rates, does it mean that its now possible for me and you to actually walk into the bank and ask for American dollars and be able to get them as long as i have enough bond notes and/RTGS? Or the system only works when one is selling their American dollars?

    1. Chief muchena Avatar
      Chief muchena

      Not yet possible boss, these rates are for the politically connected only ….

      1. Josaya Tayi Avatar
        Josaya Tayi

        No,one does not need any political connection to access foreign currency for importing items for business.lts your bank who you should be known to and the goods or services you need from outside.

    2. STING Avatar

      SI 145( statutory instrument ) is a way of draining pple’s forex through the formal channel.
      no individual is allowed to buy Forex because its abolished but can only do a telegraphic transfer outside the country provided there is a n invoice and proper beneficiary documentation..
      you can only sell your forex but u cant buy it

  2. Simba Avatar

    The best source of info or advise is your bank, not these comments by traitors who celebrate Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown.Thats my advise.

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