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Econet To Change Data Bundle Prices Tomorrow

Econet has issued a notice telling it’s subscribers that tomorrow it will introduce new prices for it’s data bundles. Here’s the notice:

Also read: Check Out Econet’s New Increased Data Bundles Prices


  1. ecocashing

    $1.50 40mb
    $3.75 250mb
    $7.50 750mb
    $12.00 2gb

  2. Brendon Bwanali Merc

    Zvadirwa jecha kune vayavakapfuura 34 😫😫isu vechidiki topinda neYomix 😌

  3. T.Zvimba

    Eyiiiii network yeEconet paNET ma1… POOR!!!!! switched to NETONE… AMAZING SPEED!!!!

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