Lewis Matutu, ZANU PF Youth League’s outspoken deputy has come out with a warning for Econet and EcoCash.
The youth leader didn’t go into specifics of what EcoCash is doing so it isn’t very clear why he is disgruntled by the mobile money operator.
One can only assume that he is talking about EcoCash agents and their infamous practices. Some EcoCash agents have been accused of being forex dealers and Zim Morning reported that the RBZ had to step in and order some of the suspicious agent lines to be suspended, making it difficult for them to recover their money.
Matutu could also be referring to the agents habit of selling cash or charging more than they should when cashing out to EcoCash mobile money users, but this is less likely as the youth league official has been very click regarding illegal forex dealings within ZANU PF.
10 responses
Matutu has a problem of trying to tackle issues beyond his understanding!!
Who is heee?
Grace Mugabe voice
Who is heee?
Grace Mugabe voice
Okay so far now that this is public, the government is now going to press hard on Econet trying to find out what exactly they are doing wrong. And then Strive will pay then a certain amount of money for saying “sorry we made money in your country without telling you” in the form of a fine and then they will carry in doing what exactly they are doing without any possible change ever happening.
This is how the world works.
What are they guilty of? Lewis should detail the offences. If it’s charges then that’s a different matter. I think we should focus on the agents for now, unless Maruti has some other information that we need to be made aware of.
Is the youth league now the new government? This country of ours has no order that’s why a lot of our systems don’t function.”Abva kwaabva anongowawata zvaafunga.
Don’t act like you don’t know what they are doing. Martin Makanza Kusava Government does not mean unosiya vanhu vachiita zvavanoda, this is your country too and either you are being affected uchiziva or usingazive. Mukanya what’s beyond his understanding ipapa, I for one have reported to econet the shenanigans that those Ecocash agents are doing and they did nothing about it, meaning they are involved. Why do you act like morrons munogara kuNyika ipi ??? Ndomacompany anofana kungotorerwa marezinesi opihwa those with the country at heart.
Don’t act like you don’t know what they are doing. Martin Makanza Kusava Government does not mean unosiya vanhu vachiita zvavanoda, this is your country too and either you are being affected uchiziva or usingazive. Mukanya what’s beyond his understanding ipapa, I for one have reported to econet the shenanigans that those Ecocash agents are doing and they did nothing about it, meaning they are involved. Why do you act like morrons munogara kuNyika ipi ??? Ndomacompany anofana kungotorerwa marezinesi opihwa those with the country at heart.
Who are those with “the country at heart”? Those “leading” have owed Zesa over USD1.2b since 2011 (Daily News) in their individual/corporate capacities. Spell out your issue, deal with facts don’t emotionalize an issue that can be investigated when individuals are on the wrong side of the law. Even the “govt” you so love relies on money from EW to exist….it has long ceased to have any productive capacity except to loot, threaten and destroy.
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