Econet Blames Failure Of Kwese On Zim Economy

Kwese TV satellite behind bars

As typical, Econet put up big notices announcing the official shut down of Kwese TV, their attempt at the Pay TV landscape. The media release is signed by the Econet Wireless CEO himself:

Is it really about Zim economy?

No, the issue is not just about Zim. Kwese TV is dead, Econet Media, the company which operated the service is now under administration because of debts they can’t meet. This really has nothing to do with Zimbabwe but a problem with a lack of appreciation of the video/television industry and value chain. This was also stated by one of the more successful internet entrepreneurs on the continent, Jason Njoku.

Failure is good even for Econet

Instead of coming up with a spin about how Kwese was a victim of the Zimbabwean economy, Econet must look failure in the face, admit it, accept it and learn from it. To point towards ‘external’ factors is both arrogant and dangerous. The Econet group continues to struggle with businesses built on the internet as a platform. It will be good for them if they acknowledge this weakness. Perhaps they will rise above it if they do.


9 responses

  1. Chinguwo Avatar

    Surely Kwese was not perfect but ,the way you comment on Kwese TV has in most negative, it seems like are part of DSTV.

    1. Interest Avatar

      How fataz king landed a job at un I will never know

  2. The Insider Avatar
    The Insider

    As an insider, I can tell you these are the reasons why Kwese failed:

    1. The strategy was to compete on the technology part in a content game. There was a lot of investment in integration with payment gateways. It was easy to pay for Kwese in all countries it operated.
    2. What Strive said was treated as the word of God, you couldn’t question it. Problem was he was not on the ground.
    3. Econet staff were largely disconnected from the market.
    4. ZANU-PF like leadership from the likes of Fayaz King. Management is largely dictatorial. Fayaz King is a toxic individual, good thing is he is leaving.
    5. Poor content.
    6. Lack of understanding of the market. A lot of the execs had no idea about the pay tv market.

  3. Langton Avatar

    I thought Kwese was a Satellite based platform not internet based as you claiming. Getting content and being able to properly package it is a very difficult proposition, considering that more VOD and streaming services, DSTV is only withstanding competition due to their Supersport cash cow.

    1. Tinashe Nyahasha Avatar
      Tinashe Nyahasha

      You are right there Langton. I should have qualified my statement there. What I meant was that the same reason Econet struggles with internet businesses is the reason why Kwese also failed

  4. Munya Mutasa Avatar
    Munya Mutasa

    The Strive Masiyiwa led bullies, thieves, cry babies have done it again! It comes as no surprise really. These are the same Ecosure culprits for those that recall.

  5. Sagitarr Avatar

    I think EW need to re-think their recruitment philosophy, it seems to be costing their brand heavily. Their ambitions on ConnectedCar, for example, seem to be fading as reality sinks in – which is proving that those behind the project have very thin actual experience and knowledge of the business even though they may have high ambitions…imho. Accepting failure is a sign of success.

    1. Farai Mudzingwa Avatar
      Farai Mudzingwa

      True, the idea that people with telecoms backgrounds can innovate in new industries has proven futile

  6. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
    Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    I’m not that well versed with the Econet empire, but I thought Kwese TV was operating in other countries besides Zimbabwe? They aren’t owning up to their failure, neither are they being honest with their customers.

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