President Mnangagwa’s Website Now Carries Stories Like, “How To Make A Girl Love You”

Last year in March we wrote about President Mnangagwa increasing his online presence when he launched a website. The website was only one of other several platforms (Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp) on which the President had a presence.

Out of curiosity, today we went back to the site to check what new content about His Excellency was now available. And my, my what we saw.

A tale of seeking lovers

What was once ED Mnangagwa’s website is now a man’s lifestyle and dating site. The website is still called but what was once an autobiography-site of our President is now a site of those seeking partners. This is how the homepage of the website now looks:

And this is how the homepage of the website looked when President Mnangagwa was still using it:

So what happened?

The website was hacked? Perish the thought, because it wasn’t. What happened is pretty simple; the domain name which was used for President Mnangagwa’s website expired and it was re-released for registration by anybody on a first-come first-served basis. Somebody then bought it and registered it for this man’s lifestyle website.

It would have been great if the President had paid for the domain name and kept on engaging with the citizens on his website.

Also read: Do You Know Which Phone President Mnangagwa Uses


4 responses

  1. Cool- Headed Black Avatar
    Cool- Headed Black

    Just goes to show the “Moslem Extremism” some of us hv sank down to…

  2. Roger Avatar

    A lot of things done by this gvt are half-hearted efforts driven by optics. They don’t believe in most of the things they say or start. The approach ED had when he set out to have an online presence is not very different from his approach to corruption. He makes this country seem like a joke. It hurts 😢

  3. Togara Tafara Mugwangi Avatar
    Togara Tafara Mugwangi

    And you expect him to properly run a country?

  4. Son of Kenzie Avatar
    Son of Kenzie

    Instead of calling Trump to remove his illegal sancations imposed on Zimbabwe.
    You busy wasting time on cheap negative rethroic and you expect Zimbabwe to be great again.

    Don’t you have good stories to tell and Stop Xneophoic attacks by your SA brothers on hardworking Zimbo’s.

    Sis maan

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