Recently, WhatsApp took to Twitter to flaunt its file transfer limit of 100MB but the feedback wasn’t what they (WhatsApp) expected. Telegram took the opportunity to mock WhatsApp’s relatively tiny 100MB file transfer limit.
What happened
WhatsApp tweeted telling its users that if they are stressed about the limitation on email attachments, the file transfer limit by WhatsApp can deal with that burden.
Need to send an email but the attachment is too large? Try using WhatsApp instead, where you can send files of up to 100 MB. #WhatsAppTricks
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) September 12, 2019
And to that tweet Telegram replied WhatsApp by flaunting its own capacity of sending large attached with limit up to 1.5 GB.
Need to send a message but the attachment is too large for other messengers? Try using Telegram instead, where you can send files of up to 1.5 GB.
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) September 12, 2019
Although sending or receiving a file of 1.5GB via mobile data can cost a bit money but that type of large file transfer might come in handy when using a Wi-Fi.
WhatsApp used to have 16MB file transfer limit and new limit of 100MB was a big improvement. However, with new technology introduced every passing second, the quality of images and videos is constantly growing the size of files so the 100 MB limit, which WhatsApp is parading, is probably not that big as they think it is.
Anyhow, I hope this mockery by Telegram might spur WhatsApp to changing its own file transfer limit to match, exceed or at least come close to Telegram’s limit.
Image credit: TheHackerNews
One response
This reminds me of a tiff between Econet and Net*One back in the days when the later mocked the former for putting up billboards while Net*One was busy increasing its network footprint. This was despite the government working against Econet by delaying or sitting on its applications for basestation sites until the company came up with the idea of setting up on private stands.
Let’s see how the WhatsApp/Telegram pans out. I see movie makers crying for legislation to reduce the file size because subscribers will end up downloading movies.