ZOL Introduces New Prices For Wibroniks. It’s Still Wise To Get The LTE Data Sim Card

ZOL, Wibroniks LTE SIM locations, package prices

On the back of good news about it’s LTE data sim card (line), ZOL has just released new prices for various packages of its Wibroniks service. The new price will come into effect on the 2nd of October. Check the new prices:

2GB – $ 32

3GB – $ 44

5GB – $ 64

15GB – $120

20GB – $135

30GB – $199

60GB – $289

100GB – $402

Unlimited – $645

Still a wise choice getting ZOL’s data line?

Even with these new prices, those who want to buy ZOL’s data line will still get a better data deal than if they go to Econet and Netone. For instance Econet charges you $30 for 1.5Gig which expires after 24 hours yet ZOL’s data line gives you 2Gig data that expires after a month- thereby making it better to use ZOL the LTE data line. As for Netone, it charges $35 for 2Gig which again expires after 24 hours yet ZOL’s data line gives you 2Gig data that expires after months- again, ZOL data line is better.

Also read: Is ‘Data Rollover’ Facility Available To Every ZOL User? Your Answer


7 responses

  1. natee Avatar

    is their network CDMA or GSM?

  2. Edmore M Gonese Avatar
    Edmore M Gonese

    Essentially There’s no CDMA LTE, it’s the same standard.

  3. Francis Sengeredi Avatar
    Francis Sengeredi

    Suppose one is leaving 100 km out of Harare for example chiweshe how is your coverage,need to know before I bought one

    1.  Avatar

      If there is econet network u are coverd

      1.  Avatar

        Thats a lie. There is supposed to be zol network (or something ) not econet

        1. Ac Avatar

          Its one company so probably share some equipment.

  4. Newton Avatar

    It doesn’t work i bought the line and it’s almost a month my bundle is gonna expire yet i haven’t used it.

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