How To Watch DStv On 5 Devices At No Extra Cost

If you live in a household that has many people who clash on what to watch on DStv, then you’d be glad to know that you can watch your DStv subscription on 5 different platforms. On these 5 different platforms each person can get to choose what they want to watch on DStv without affecting the other 4 people on other devices watching DStv. Ain’t that cool? Here are the 5 platforms you can watch DStv from:


The most obvious and commonly used platform where you can watch DStv is the television (TV). To be able to watch DStv from your telly, you gotta have a DStv decoder and satellite dish. It’s just a matter of walking into a DStv agent outlet, buy the equipment and an installer will set it up and connect your TV.


You can watch DStv on-the-go straight from your smartphone. You only need to download the DStv Now app from Google Playstore or Apple Appstore and go though a few steps to sign-up for the service. DStv Now utilizes the subscription you’ve already paid for (to watch from the TV) so you want pay any extra fee to watch DStv from your phone. You only need to worry about the extra cost of data.


A tablet is loosely a bigger version of a smartphone so the same process that I have just mentioned on above applies when you want to access DStv from your tablet. Again, you don’t pay any extra fee to DStv to watch from your tablet.

Computer: Desktop or Laptop

Simply go to your browser, type and sign up. You will watch DStv from you computer by using the same subscription that you use to watch DStv on your TV.

Smart TV

Since Smart TV’s can run the same apps that run on your smartphone, you can also install the DStv Now app on it and comfortably watch your favourite DStv shows from the Smart TV. Unlike the traditional TV, Smart TVs access DStv through the internet and not through the decoder – so you will need WiFi to watch DStv from your Smart TV. Also, you don’t pay no extra fee to watch DStv from your Smart TV

Also read: Fans Launch Petition To Stop DStv From Removing 3 Popular Channels


27 responses

  1. Now Avatar

    Is Dstv Now App still available on PlayStore?

  2.  Avatar

    So internet is not an extra cost?

    1. Tshepo Avatar

      That is a very smart question, using data is not a extra cost dstv likes making us fools

      1. Gray Avatar

        You will not be paying DSTv that is why they are sahing no extra cost. Not to mention some people will alreafy be on an unlimited data package.

        1. Gray Avatar

          You will not be paying DSTv that is why they are saying no extra cost. Not to mention some people will already be on an unlimited data package.

  3.  Avatar

    It is always a huge struggle to actually get in. Even then, usually only 5 of the channels loads. Watching the rugby is an impossibility. I could only ever get connected after the game was over.

  4. Butch Avatar

    It is always a huge struggle to actually get in. Even then, usually only 5 of the channels loads. Watching the rugby is an impossibility. I could only ever get connected after the game was over.

    1. Llodza Avatar

      That is being caused by congestion from too many people logging in to watch.

      1. Tshepo Avatar

        And how is that ower problem, we paying a lot off money and still we getting a shity service

  5. James Avatar

    Dstv really need competition then things will be perfect

  6. Daniel Avatar

    Helpful article but please fix the spelling mistakes. If this site wans to be taken seriously then it needs to be more professional.

    1.  Avatar

      Then fix the spelling of on your reply before pointing out other’s little mistakes

  7. Davidwest Momodu Avatar
    Davidwest Momodu

    Does this mean that the Extra View cost to watch DSTV using a secondary decoder have been removed.? Cos I still pay extra viewing charges up-to now

  8. Tshepo Avatar

    We need choose ower own package, I don’t even watch helf off the channels on dstv

    1. Coaster Katema Avatar
      Coaster Katema

      This is so true,if they were able to send man to the moon 50years ago why can’t they charge me only for the time I watch the channels I choose to watch. Paying for the whole package is so 18’s.

  9. Chinyere Avatar

    Can you watch DSTV outside Nigeria using your smartcard number on a smart phone or tablet.

  10. Rafiek Avatar

    So why can’t those who have drift as still use them like any other platform. They only have to get signal or a software upgrade. Like most technology upgrading is easier then buying a new item just to get what you already paying for. Is it because they want us to pay more(data cost) so that whomever they have agreements with to make extra money of the backs of hardworking individuals.

  11. Gavin Izaks Avatar
    Gavin Izaks

    Dstv is giving out the ideas on how to utilize your account, but customer service is taking forever to get back to you once you being overcharge or have a query about your account??

  12. Moloto Avatar


  13. Phindile Avatar

    Been trying it on my phone for almost a year now. I have my own account and an Email Address too but its just not working. What must I do?

    1. Bright Avatar

      Reinstall it, I have been watching dstv on my phone with no single stress at all.

  14. Gamiet Avatar

    What they are not telling you is that all 5 can run at the same time….so it’s like false advertising…only TV and 2x other at any given time.

  15. Dominique Phillips Avatar
    Dominique Phillips

    Bull….. Not the best app in the world. It sucks ass.. Rather Netflix on my smart tv

  16. Grey Mang'anda Avatar
    Grey Mang’anda

    Thanks for the invitation to watch DSTV on the Smartphone and other gadgets.

    Just a small correction on the Smartphone paragraph. It should read:”…so you WON’T pay any extra…” NOT “…So you WANT pay any extra.”

    I hope you are ok with that.

    Regards and thanks for the innovation.

  17.  Avatar

    So why can’t those who have walker as still use them like any other platform. They only have to get signal or a software upgrade. Like most technology upgrading is easier then buying a new item just to get what you already paying for. Is it because they want us to pay more(data cost) so that whomever they have agreements with to make extra money of the backs of hardworking individuals

  18.  Avatar

    Netflix…the best

  19. Anonymous Avatar

    Have a dstv compact plus package. Can watch all the channels on phone and laptop with dstv now app, but only certain channels on smart TV dstv now app. Why?

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