Sasai Now Giving Away Cows To People In Sasai Groups

If spamming doesn’t work, you know what might? Cows! That’s probably what was said prior to the launch of the newest promotion by Sasai which will see 5 cows being given away to 5 groups each week. It’s a pretty interesting concept but one that might work!

So how will the Group Admin Challenge work, well apart from posters floating around on the internet which offer very little detail we aren’t exactly sure.

Update: To stand a chance to win create the biggest group chat on Sasai and take a screenshot of the group info and send to 0785 500 000

We assume, because Sasai can track usage stats they’ll be able to see which users are using groups and the five biggest groups will be rewarded with a cow each on a weekly basis from 23 October to 20 November. That’s about 4 weeks which translates to 20 cows.

This challenge is quite interesting but considering that Sasai introduced the Chakachaya paSasai promotion at the beginning of the month, I can’t help but feel like the company is throwing a bunch of things at users and seeing what sticks.

Also read, “Chakachaya ne Ecocash.” Question: Why Cows And Goats?


  1. Interest

    All that glitters is not good… Why don’t they zero rate the app… Plus you dealing with a country that has zero national pride… That’s not enough to get numbers

    1. tinm@n

      Lol! national pride doesn’t get you users. It’s value from your product/service that does.

      This isn’t politics

    2. Imi Vanhu Musadaro

      You sound like those people who confuse national pride, with blind “patriotism”. Should people abandon WhatsApp and use Sasai just because a Zimbabwean company “created” a chat app?

      Just like they ditched DsTv for Kwese. Learn from your past, don’t be a fool.

    3. Farai Mudzingwa

      Zero rating a chat app could prove too costly since people can share media files and also access other services outside simple chat functionalities. That’s not sustainable

  2. Zvakubhowa manje, Pese Pese sasai

    Zvakubhowa manje, pese pese sasai sasai, Masiyiwa and Casava shareholders varikutambisa mari, they should just buy this from artwell officially. Econet and Cassava guys stole the sasai app from local startup makumbe 3 to 4 years ago. they refused to acknowledge him with any cent, they are facing challenges to market sasai, zvakadirwa jecha ne hiclicker. Whatsapp and facebook did a good transition of ownership, both companies publicly supported it and is widely used not kupa vanhu mombe to use whatsapp.The same Strive masiyiwa and Artwell Makumbe should have done by finding common ground and agree. Most people like me dosent use it because im patriotic, i support local talent though im concernd abt my privacy. their zimbabwe and global market is split into 2 , Econet market and Hiclicker market. i predict one will lose either the developer due to lack of capital or to econet lack of skill and innovation. its game on-on. Lets see how this month ends

  3. Ye

    Nothing wrong with failing, Vodacom and MTN tried mobile money, ie Vodacom MPESA failed dismally
    and MTN mobile money failed,but again they are still trying to make a come back,If Econet ,netone,and
    Telecash did not try how were they going to find if it works.

    1. Farai Mudzingwa


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