ZESA Adds New Features To Online Portal

ZESA’s online portal introduced last year only allowed you to check a history of your token purchases. The electricity supply authority has now added a number of new features to that portal.

The portal is currently down but beyond just giving you a history of your token purchases it will also now:

  • Allow you to calculate how many units you can purchase for certain amounts
  • If you applied for a meter you can keep track on whether or not the meter is now available


2 responses

  1. Sagitarr Avatar

    This Zesa system seems a tad too shallow…. why does it not automatically credit one’s account to avoid having to punch in the PIN? How much programming effort is required to get the system to be smart enough (and useful) in calculating units required per month (based on previous consumption patterns)? I think Zesa’s s/w section should think along these lines imho

  2. nyasha mutemararo Avatar
    nyasha mutemararo

    please add a print function we shouldnt have to go to wayne street to get a token print out if i need it, for say the bank

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