Econet Agents Not Respecting Sensitive Customer Information

Farai Mudzingwa Avatar
Econet HQ bundles prices

When you subscribe to a mobile network you share some pretty sensitive information that you normally wouldn’t want to get into the wrong hands i.e your address and your ID number.

Econet agents who sign subscribers up seem to not acknowledge the importance of this information if a stack of customer forms found in town is anything to go by:

One would assume that these forms would be guarded by the agents at all costs but this does not seem to be the case with the pictures in question actually containing photocopied versions of customers ID along with all the other information that these forms contain.


  1. Bern9

    Ummmm do you have evidence of all this? 🤔

  2. Soko

    Write something else educational not these loose combined statements

  3. Catt

    Mmmm Techzim have you verified this first kungoda kunzi tine juice nhai

  4. Mai guru

    But look here, did you see them dropping the those papers or u were told and chose to write 📝 based on assumptions nxaaaa

    1. Tawaz Nigel

      Thats ubsurd, Ecocash customers have fallen prey to fraudsters coz they share their info and phones with friends and relatives, cant blame agents for that. As for the forms lying around, thats surely a deliberate attempt to tarnish Econet coz subscibers are given their copies and whether they lose them or not is customers fault.

      Techzim please do not be like Zimeye, write the truth, we have respected you so far, now you are becoming serial liars like shameless Zimeye.

      1. Critical Thinking 101

        They want to lie like Simba zimeye. Kkkkk

    2. Samaita

      Do u know that u can also loose your very personal particulars which are more important than these forms, so what’s news here? Usangomake Econet iwe, ko kana zvakabiwa

      1. Farai Mudzingwa

        Sorry, Samaita!

  5. Anonymous

    Techzim chawaka itirwa navama siiwa chakaoma

  6. Anonymous

    Techzim enda unopengera kwawaka royerwa

  7. smartarz

    actually this is nothing to worry about. rather search google for the 2018 elections voters roll. you can download the database of everyones name and ID number there. lol

  8. The Principal

    Techzim masakurwa nekuzunzwa vadikani yooh. Shingai ndoozvinoita graft. Apa unenge uchiti wawanawo kanyaya kane musoro kkkkk.

    1. Farai Mudzingwa

      Zvakaoma kani!

  9. Anonymous

    Thank you for the article. Those papers no matter where they are a the property and responsibility of Econet and its agents,so be vigilant and careful with your information. It is more likely that the agents are to blame as Econet itself not only files allcustumer documents but also shreds them to protect our privacy when the are entered into their computer systems. Iam of the thought that this article is to inform not to persecute.

    Thank youTechzim

    1. Brand Ambassadors

      Techzim mind your own business, musangoti kungonhonga mapepa mubin motsvaga news dzekudrawer tension yevanhu, if you need news concerning econet agents talk to us and will give you proper news.Maida Kuti zviende nepi isu tichingomhanyiswa nepolice mutown every day for no tangible reasons

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