[Interview] Liquid Telecom CEO Nic Rudnick: “Bulk Of Cloud Services Are Being Consumed By Startups”

[Interview] Liquid Telecom CEO Nic Rudnick: “Bulk Of Cloud Services Are Being Consumed By Startups”

We are at AfricaCom 2019 and we had an opportunity to catch up with Nic Rudnik the CEO of Liquid Telecom for a short interview. We chatted about the new fibre link connecting East Africa to West Africa via DRC and the impact it will have on DRC which up until now was still reliant on satellite for internet access.


  1. The Principal

    Mabhanduru adhura. Nyorai summary yezvamakataura naNick tinzwe kkkk.

    • Farai Mudzingwa

      Hahahaha, usadaro. Tenga re40mb riya woisa 260p wangu!

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