National Data Centre Almost Complete: Mthuli Ncube

Mthuli Ncube National Venture Capital Fund NVCF startups Zimbabwe Ministry of Finance

During the 2020 National budget speech given by Mthuli Ncube earlier today, the Finance Minister gave an update on the National Data Centre. According to the Minister, the project is nearing completion, which has been its status for the past 9 months:

The establishment of a fully functional National Data Centre is almost complete, and the 2020 National Budget will make provision of the outstanding works.

Mthuli Ncube – 2020 Zimbabwe Budget speech

Judging from the Minister’s speech, it seems the data centre will be the precursor to many of the eGovernance initiatives that the government has promised for so long:

The Data Centre consolidates services, applications and infrastructure
to provide efficient electronic services among Government Departments,
between Government and citizens as well as between businesses and

Mthuli Ncube – 2020 Zimbabwe Budget speech

Considering that the data centre has been nearing completion for over a year now, one would have hoped that the Finance Minister would’ve given a concrete date regarding when we can expect this to be implemented.

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