Netone has this morning released new tariffs for its data bundles. The new tariffs have increased the minimum amount of money one has to spend to get on the internet with data bundles from $1 to $2 (for 11MB). Here are the new prices:
Daily data bundle
11MB – $2
20MB – $3
40MB – $5
100MB – $10
250MB – $20
600MB – $30
1200MB – $50
Weekly data bundle
25MB – $4
55MB – $5
150MB – $20
350MB – $40
700MB – $75
Monthly data bundle
275MB – $40
700MB – $100
1.2GB – $150
2.2GB – $250
4GB – $400
2 responses
It’s better l stick to my Zol, l buy 15gig for $156 which last for 2 months
I notice that the data bundles are now similar to econet especially the higher daily data bundles. Hapasina advantage for me over econet.