POTRAZ released their report for the 3rd Quarter of 2019 and a long-running trend of growing fibre subscribers has unsurprisingly come to a halt.
Between July and September, active fibre subscriptions fell by 1.7% FROM 39 863 subscribers to 39 202. During the presentation of the 3rd quarter results, POTRAZ Director General Gift Machengete said this was the first shift of such kind since 2016 but looking at the POTRAZ reports from 2014 until 2019 Q2 it seems this hasn’t happened since 2014 (earliest recorded data).

Earlier this year ZOL and TelOne both increased the pricing for their internet packages and it seems this might have been enough for 661 subscribers to decide against sticking with their fibre connections.
The decline is attributable to the general increase in tariffs for fixed data packages hence a number of households discontinued their monthly fibre subscriptions
It will be interesting to see if this negative trend continues in the 4th quarter since both TelOne and ZOL, the major players in the residential space further increased pricing for fibre internet for both businesses and residential users.