EcoCash Users Flock To Econet Shop To Get Assistance As Post-Upgrade Problems Drag On

EcoCash, EcoCash Charges, EcoCash US$100 million WhatsApp

EcoCash upgraded their platform two weeks ago but most users of the platform have reached that the upgrade was in actuality a downgrade for all intents and purposes.

After the upgrade users couldn’t buy airtime, had their accounts blocked and lost money whilst trying to transact. The icing on the cake was a botched user experience that we actually wrote about in another post.

Anyway, the aftermath of all that is extremely lengthy queues at Econet shops in the CBD as EcoCash tries to clear the errors which keep arising due to the current instability of the system which leads to a vicious cycle and queues this long:


  1. Anonymous

    You have been barred as your Id has expired. Please contact Customer Care. That is also what came through this morning. I don’t know which ID has expired

  2. Anonymous

    Econet changed their entire system to a locally developed platforms hence a lot of glitches

  3. AD Field

    A shocking experience for all Econet consumers… It is such a big cock-up that the regulator needs to step in and close them down, until the platform is stable. A locally developed platform is a joke, the same joke as the good governance we enjoy.

    1. Edward Chombe

      I support locally developed systems as they save us from pumping out forex to foreign developers. However, a system needs time for testing before going full scale, a beta stage like what all startups and established apps do before an upgrade.

  4. Laz

    Can no longer transact from outside the country.

  5. Gillian Muranda

    EcoCash has gone back to 2012-2013 so essentially they have moved back 6 years plus rather than advancing their system. They lost their COO and CTO mid of this year – – I guess they don’t know how to retain key people.

  6. Maxwell Christian

    The fact that the upgrade turned into a nightmarish downgrade is unfortunate. Poor service and holding on the line for 30-60 minutes is just too long. The Regulators, POTRAZ &/or RBZ as usual are sleeping on the wheel.

    From a forex saving and sovereign perspective locally developed software solutions are best in my view, but I wonder which system is more susceptible to hacking, a locally developed or a foreign developed programme. Look at how City of Harare was booted out of the RSA BIQ System for failing to pay renewal licences &/or service fees in forex. A case that also supports locally developed software solutions is the Banking Sector’s Mauritius developed interbank funds transfer system, Paynet I think. I think the banking sector was also booted out of the system after failing to pay service fees in forex. The Mauritius company took BAZ to Court.

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