Judicial Service Commission To Introduce Electronic Case Management System

High Court of Zimbabwe

When covering the opening of the Legal Year last week, we talked about live streaming of court cases deemed of national interest. We missed one other tech-related development from the opening of the Legal Year, which is the introduction of the Integrated Electronic Case Management System.

Stand out features from the ECMS will include the following:

  • The system will allow the public to check the status of cases through electronic kiosks found in the registry
  • Judicial officials will be able to access a dashboard meant to track the status of all cases on their cause list to increase efficiency
  • Introduction of virtual court settings which will enable submissions to judges without need for court appearances
  • eFiling will enable litigants to file pleadings and court documents electronically. This is expected to reduce the cost of litigation since travel expenses are cut out

The Judicial Service Commission seems to be serious about embracing tech to improve how they execute their mandate and we’ve already seen increased transparency with the broadcast of the 2018 Election Challenge.

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