Standalone DStv Streaming Service Will Have Similar Price With Netflix

Analysts have predicted that DStv’s standalone streaming service will have pricing similar to that of Netflix. With plans in place to start offering DStv Now as a stand-alone service, some of the questions many of us have had is what the pricing will look like when it’s launched.

The lower cost compared to DStv packages would be due to the fact that Multichoice would no longer have to subsidise hardware costs such as the inclusion of a decoder:

MultiChoice subsidizes the decoder, therefore introducing an online service would lower th ecost of acquiring a new subscriber, introduce a marginal saving on MultiChoice Group income statement, and lower the cost of the new subscriber

Nozi Dikgale – Africa Analysis media analyst

Hopefully, the standalone service will still maintain sports content, which isn’t entirely clear yet. Some are suggesting that sporting content will be available as an add-on which would most probably require that you pay more.

Currently, Netflix costs R99 for the basic package, whilst the premium plan costs R169 which is a far cry from the current DStv premium which costs R809. This makes me believe that sporting content would need to be paid for additionally to make the standalone DStv Now viable.

With an expected launch window of March 2020, we won’t have to wait too long to see how DStv envisions their streaming service shaping up over the next few years.


  1. Jako

    Dstv now has to worst streaming service of any streaming platform. Unpredictable and slow, imagine what load the extra users will put on this platform!

  2. Kevin

    Also take note that DSTV will save on the satellite space segment when customers more to streaming services. This should be the most expensive portion of the service solution

  3. Siegie Krehl

    Hi, Guys

    Does anyone know for sure when this New DSTV Now stand alone service will be offered?
    I just moved to online streaming (a day ago) via their DSTV Now app. Currently I am streaming via my Xbox was going to buy a Android Streaming Box this weekend (after doing plenty research on best type of Android boxes, google certified that can allow DSTV Now streaming), when I read about DSTV launching their own streaming platform before end of March 2020. Should I hold back on the purchase of the Android streaming Box, until all the Tech issues and clarity on the New DSTV Now Standalone service will be clarified? Will DSTV make an new (their own Branded) Android streaming Box available with their launch packet? Or should the Android streaming Box, not limit the functions to DSTV Now standalone streaming service? Can I go ahead then to buy the Intended Google Certified Android streaming TV Box?

    Also, does anybody now, if any Android streaming Boxes currently on the market allow for recording functions, much like the DSTV Explorer (with its Internal Hard Drive) or STAR SaT Decoder (with its USB External Drive)? Many current Android Tv Streaming Boxes, have USB slots for an external Hardrive sorage, but if not for recoding what will the use be for such external storage (maybe only when you need to load more apps and internal box storage ran out of space). With the hope that the new DSTV NOW stand alone services may also allow for recording of its streaming (especially a soccer or rugby game), as it current catchup on the DSTV Now streaming only provides highlights of a sports game and not the full game it appears. Such a recoding function will be of great use, but then one would require a streaming Tv Box that can allow recording, not sure if such box yet exists.

    Looking forward to the new DSTV Now standalone service launch date.

    Thanks for your time and reply to my concerns.


  4. Anonymous

    Yes there are android tv boxes that allow you to download onto your external hard drive or flash drive, download the correct movie app that allows downloading

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