Telegram has always been the feature-rich alternative to WhatsApp that just isn’t as popular for some reason. Anyway, the messaging app is adding features to start out the year on a bang and make its already feature-rich application even more… FEATURE-RICH!
The headlining feature is the new Theme Editor which will allow users to;
…quickly tweak the style of elements in Telegram chats and add awesome gradients to both your messages and your background. Switch between tabs (Main Color, Background, My Messages) to see how deep this rabbit hole goes. Once you’re done editing, you can quickly share the result of your work with friends so that they can continue tuning your theme
Telegram blog
The update includes “cool patterns” you can use as chat backgrounds:
The last visual update includes predefined colour schemes which are meant for those of you who aren’t interested in messing about with the theme editor.
Non-visual updates
Outside of the themes and colours, there are also a number of functional features such as the new message scheduling option which allows you to send a message when a recipient comes online
Location sharing has also been updated “to make finding venues easier”. Users can now tap a place directly on the map to select it.
Telegram apps will remember your last position when resuming playback of audio files longer than 20 minutes which is meant to enhance the podcast and audiobook experience (Telegram supports sending of 1.5GB files which means you can send podcasts without a hitch).
Telegram has also added new animations alongside the ability to copy parts of the message and new sharing options…
3 responses
Thumbs up @Telegram team. the best app than whatsapp those who lost support from whatsapp better turn over to telegram …
Telegram is way superior to WhatsApp in almost all ways. I wish more people would use it.
Sometimes better doesn’t always win…