Bank Foreign Currency Exchange Rates Today – 5 February 2020

Here are the foreign currency exchange rates for the US$, ZW$ and Rand on the interbank and black market…

Interbank rate

USD to ZWL$: 17.4454
ZWL$ to RAND: 0.8499

Data according to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

Black Market rates

USD / ZWL$ zimrates.com25
USD / ZWL$ zwl365.com25
USD / ZWL$ bluemari.info24.7
USD / BOND zimrates.com19.5

Source: Marketwatch


3 responses

  1. Andrew Avatar

    Odd observation, where are you getting your OMIR? It looks wrong.

  2. Farai Avatar

    There is a new WhatsApp initiative called SIMPLYnFY which allows you browse Zimbabwean Store Prices e.g in OK ,whilst you are in the comfort of your home.

    Their number is +263788323434

    1. Farai Mudzingwa Avatar
      Farai Mudzingwa

      Thanks Fatso will check this out

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