Econet Global Interested In Securing Ethiopian Telecoms Licence

Econet Wireless HQ, $20 million

Econet Global, owned by Strive Masiyiwa is reportedly looking to acquire a telecoms licence in Ethiopia.

The East African country is opening up the telecommunications industry to foreign investors for the first time as they plan to sell upto 49% of the state-owned Ethiopian Telecommunications before issuing two spectrum licences.

Econet is not alone with Orange, MTN and Vodacom all vying to get the license in a nation which has low data penetration and over 100 million inhabitants.

Econet, through a number of its subsidiaries, is actively developing interests in Ethiopia. Given that there is a competitive process on new licences, it would not be appropriate at this stage to discuss our own positioning.

Econet Spokesperson in response to Bloomberg

Ethiopian authorities had reportedly earmarked early 2020 for the liberalization of the telecoms industry but postponed the process indefinitely because of elections being held this August and to give bidders for the new licences time to prepare.

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