Harare Host City For 2020 SOCreative Hubs Summit This March

Harare is set to be the host city for young social and creative entrepreneurs and hub managers from Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana and Mozambique between March 4 and 7.

SOCreative Summit is a platform for gathering and connecting social and creative entrepreneurs together with their counterparts in the hub community space for collaborative growth towards resilient economic impact in their regions.

The theme for this summit is; “Defining a growth culture for Southern African Social and Creative Hubs as well as their users.”

Programme themes that will shape the summit are:

  1. Understanding culture
  2. Storytelling as a vehicle for sharing and transferring values
  3. Connecting diversity through data stories in the digital age
  4. How social impact benefits shift the narrative forward for economic and human development in Africa

The summit aims to have over 200 delegates between the ages of 18-35 from the creative industries, social enterprise, and hub community space who desire to influence change in their sector.

The second of its kind – with the inaugural summit held in Johannesburg in 2019 – it is no mean feat to have Harare as host city for this second edition. Stimulus Africa has been selected by the summit conveners to coordinate the programme of events over the four days. Stimulus Africa is an innovation hub whose mandate is to positively disrupt the manner in which Zimbabwe and Africa approach entrepreneurship.

The Summit was initiated by The British Council Southern Africa Arts Program and Dice (A British Council Program in South Africa) in partnership with Zimbabwe German Society, Goethe Zentrum Harare. The platform was inspired by the work British Council is doing to support creatives and social entrepreneurs.

Register to attend on the SOCreative Website

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