[Update] Impact Hub’s 2nd Coding BootCamp For Kids Will Start In April

Impact Hub Harare recently took to Twitter to announce that the second edition of the Coding Bootcamp for kids will be taking place this coming April.

The 2nd edition of Coding Bootcamp is here! An adventure, a hands-on experience crafting a brighter future for your little ones with Impact Hub’s Coding BootCamp.

Outside of that not many details were shared regarding what the program will entail. We reached out to Impact Hub to get more details last week and followed up yesterday but they are yet to respond. [Update] Impact Hub reached out and shared more details regarding the BootCamp: :

  • The Bootcamp is targeting children aged 9 and 13
  • The Coding Bootcamp is set for the April holiday from 19 – 24.
  • The kids will learn the following; how to create games, design cartoons/animation, build web pages, navigate virtual reality environments
  • Outside of the coding, there will be team-building exercises and sporting activities

The programme is intended to help children improve logic, arithmetic, learn organisational skills, communication, basic problem solving and computational thinking. The Coding Bootcamp gives children an introductory approach on how to apply programming skills to real-life situations.

Impact Hub representative

When Impact Hub hosted the first edition of the coding BootCamp, the children were focusing on Scratch programming, Virtual reality and Robotics.

If you’re interested in enrolling your kids for the Impact Hub Coding BootCamp you can reach out to Impact Hub on the following email/number and they’ll share more details regarding the initiative: admin.harare@impacthub.net/+263782639919

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