ZESA Announces First Tariff Hike For 2020

ZESA billboard

ZESA has announced a new 19% tariff hike that will be effected on the 1st of March:

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) has adjusted the electricity tariffs by 19.02 per cent.

This is in accordance with the Tariff Award of 2 October 2019, which approved the implementation of monthly tariff indexation formula, that takes into account the movement of the macroeconomic fundamentals such as exchange rate and inflation, for changes above 10%.

ZESA statement
  • Fixed Monthly Charge – ZWL$ 7.24

The monthly kWh/ unit charges for household consumers on conventional meters are now structured as follows:

  • 1st 50 kWh – ZWL$0.49.
  • 51 – 200 kWh – ZWL$1.08
  • Balance – ZWL$4.61

Households with prepaid meters will pay the following standard rates:

  • 1st 50 kWh – ZWL$2.15
  • 51 – 200 kWh – ZWL$2.15
  • Balance – ZWL$2.15

The stepped tariffs will be as follows:

  • 1st 50 kWh – ZWL$0.49
  • 51 – 200 kWh – ZWL$1.08
  • Balance – ZWL$4.61


12 responses

  1.  Avatar

    This is absolutely disgusting! More businesses will close, more people will go hungry…
    Where is zera in all this and where are the protests from the likes of zctu etc.

    1. Maxwell Christian Avatar
      Maxwell Christian

      It is actually ZERA which approved the tariff increases!

    2. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
      Imi Vanhu Musadaro

      You want others to protest for you? 🤷🏾‍♀️

  2. Cool-Head Avatar

    There seems to be some confusion somewhere, as usual…

    Firstly, are those charges per KWh? And
    secondly, what happened to the subsidised 200KWh @ ±ZW$50 bundle for prepaid users???

  3. Wachekwa Enock Avatar
    Wachekwa Enock

    I dont understand on prepaid metres.are wenumber now outthe on thethe sepped tarriff?

  4. aati Avatar

    zesa yakwira why wait make online money and get paid through moneygramm or worldremit

    1.  Avatar

      Link us

      1. Farai Mudzingwa Avatar
        Farai Mudzingwa

        Hard to link “anonymous”

  5. Mukanya Avatar

    Tariff hikes for poor service delivery with Zera’s approval! What a shame.

  6. DR SWEVA Avatar

    clueless ,these guys should simply leave offices and give others chance to revive our Zimbabwean economy.

  7. mnangagwa akadyiwa pachena muna 2018 Avatar

    as long as zanupf is still in gvt. zimbabwe shall remain sh#tsburg. zanupf is zimbabwes biggest curse. power hungry goons, with no love for the country.

  8. Shillet Gutu Avatar
    Shillet Gutu

    Chii chinonzi stepped tariffs ?

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