Registrations For COVID-19 Global Hackathon Now Open

The COVID-19 Global Hackathon is an opportunity for developers to build software solutions that drive social impact, with the aim of tackling some of the challenges related to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Innovators around the world are being invited to #BuildforCOVID19 using technologies of your choice across a range of suggested themes and challenge areas – some of which have been sourced through health partners including the World Health Organization.

The hackathon welcomes locally and globally focused solutions and is open to all developers – with support from technology companies and platforms including AWS, Facebook, Giphy, Microsoft, Pinterest, Slack, TikTok, Twitter and WeChat, who will be sharing resources to support participants throughout the submission period.


We’ve connected with a range of partners including the World Health Organization (WHO) to understand some of the key challenge areas that technological innovation could help solve.

Some examples from the WHO here include the need for accurate disease prevention information around the world in languages/formats that resonate locally, as well as regional needs for expertise, resources/supplies and financial support from donors.

Additionally, we’re suggesting the below seven themes to help spark your ideas. Remember that you’re welcome to build with the technologies of your choice, across any areas that you think would drive impact for these issues, so feel free to think outside the box too!

  1. Health: Address and scale a range of health initiatives, including preventative/hygiene behaviours (especially for at-risk countries and populations), supporting frontline health workers, scaling telemedicine, contact tracing/containment strategies, treatment and diagnosis development.
  2. Vulnerable Populations: Problems faced by the groups of people who are disproportionately affected by the various health, economic, and social issues related to the COVID outbreak around the world, such as those with underlying health conditions or a thin social safety net.
  3. Businesses: The set of problems that businesses are facing to stay afloat, collaborate effectively and move parts of their business online.
  4. Community: Promoting connection to friends, family, and neighbours to combat social isolation and the digitizing of public services for local governments.
  5. Education: Alternative learning environments and tools for students, teachers, and entire school systems.
  6. Entertainment: Alternatives to traditional forms of entertainment that can keep the talent and audiences safe and healthy.
  7. Other: The above themes are just suggestions. Feel empowered to get creative!


The biggest prize for participating in this challenge will be helping alleviate the pressure being exerted on the globe by this pandemic. Outside of that, “judge-selected projects will be shared widely across the tech ecosystem and partner networks”


3/24: Registration opens on Devpost

3/26: 6 PM CAT Project submissions open on Devpost

3/30: 6 PM CAT Deadline to submit projects, including a 2-minute video walk-through

Week of 3/30: Judges to provide feedback and connect with selected projects shortly after that (so long as these activities remain unaffected)

4/3: Highlighted projects will be announced

Register for the COVID-19 Global Hackathon here

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