Social media sites have pledged to fight misinformation as the Coronavirus pandemic continues to spread globally. We’ve seen this happen first hand with Zimbabwean journalist Hopewell Chin’ono getting one of his Coronavirus related posts flagged as “false information”.
The journalist who posted a picture of
Whilst the virus has devastated Italy and many other countries, it is still wise to get information only from verified and authorised channels – that way you can avoid falling into the trap that the local journo found himself in.
The fact that he has a huge following on social media also makes the sharing of unverified information more dangerous as those who follow and trust him will not questions his updates and perhaps go a step further and also share the misinformation with friends and family.
Facebook, Twitter and Google said they are removing misinformation regarding the virus as fast as they can find it but unfortunately for the organisations that means some misinformation still slips through the cracks.
World Health Organisation went as far as terming the misinformation tirade an “infodemic”
There are self-appointed experts, people working from anecdote, or making up wild claims to get traffic or notoriety
Andrew Pattison, manager of digital solutions at the W.H.O
2 responses
Zimbo journalists see fiction as freedom of speach and basic human right and will continue with infodemic
Kindly share link to the infodemic we