A List Of COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories & Misinformation You Should Avoid & Never Spread

This is a list of the most popular conspiracy theories making the rounds regarding the Coronavirus. We’ve made this list and will continue to update it because people continue sharing falsehoods in relation to Coronavirus.

Please share this with your loved ones and remember before sharing any theories you hear regarding the virus (and other things too) always verify the source of the information you’re sharing. Because we intend to update this list, you can share any other conspiracy theories you’ve come across and we will add them to this list.

Q: Does 5G cause the Novel Coronavirus?

A: Simply put, no! The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNRP) says the main effect that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMFs) which are emitted by 5G base stations have on the human body is increased temperature of exposed tissue.

Another general characteristic of RF EMFs is that the higher the frequency, the lower the depth of penetration of the EMFs into the body. As 5G technologies can utilize higher EMF frequencies (>24 GHz) in addition to those currently used (<4 GHz), power from those higher frequencies will be primarily absorbed more superficially than that from previous mobile telecommunications technologies

Radio waves can disrupt your physiology as they heat you up, meaning your immune system can’t function. But [the energy levels from] 5G radio waves are tiny and they are nowhere near strong enough to affect the immune system.

Dr Simon Clarke – associate professor in cellular microbiology at the University of Reading.

In fact, 5G actually emits comparable electromagnetic frequency to the microwave in your house right now;

[Image Source: BBC]

Q: Is this a man-made virus created by Bill Gates, so that he can impose a vaccine he comes up with on people?

A: This is fascinating because there is a lengthy backstory to go along with these claims.

In 2015, Pirbright Institute of England filed a Coronavirus patent covering the development of a weakened form of a coronavirus that could potentially be used as a vaccine to prevent respiratory diseases in birds and other animals.

One thing those behind this theory forgot to mention (conveniently) is that there are many variants of the Coronavirus and Pirbright doesn’t currently work with any strand of coronavirus that affects humans. The work they’ve been doing is focused on the Avian Coronavirus which affects chickens.

So, how did Bill Gates get implicated in all of this? The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave Pirbright a grant to study livestock antibodies in November of 2019, so theorists have decided that this was enough to have Bill Gates as one of the creators of Coronavirus.

Simply put, there is no evidence that suggests that Bill Gates created this virus.

Q: The Coronavirus will result in a New World Order

A: There have been claims that COVID-19 will result in a New World Order. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world. Those spreading this theory claim that this will be done when the vaccine for COVID-19 is made. The vaccine will apparently come with chips which will be used to track everyone on the globe.

This one is particularly funny because I remember watching Illuminati DVDs around 2005 and back then the New World Order would be heralded by music superstars who had sold their souls to the devil. It seems that plan might not have worked out well and now Coronavirus will herald the New World Order.

A simple google search will show you many other times that conspiracy theorists have claimed that something will lead to the New World Order. In fact, these claims originated before the Cold War (1947) and has popped up a number of times with some absurdly claiming that the New World Order will be brought about by surviving Nazi’s

Clearly those who believe in the New World Order will clutch at anything to see their prophecy fulfilled and right now Corona is what they have. Another conspiracy that isn’t backed by any tangible evidence.

Q: Will the vaccines for Coronavirus be tested on Africans first before anywhere else

A: Whilst French scientists suggested that this be the case, the United Nations Director-General Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus unequivocally made it clear that this won’t be the case you can see the video where he said this below;

On the vaccine’s issue, there was a comment last week from some scientists who said the testing ground for the new vaccines would be Africa.

To be honest I was so appalled and at a time when we need solidarity, this kind of racist remarks do not help. It goes against solidarity.

Africa CANNOT and WILL NOT be a testing ground for any vaccine.

We will use all the rules to test any vaccine/therapeutics all over the world using exactly the same rules whether it’s in Europe, Africa or wherever.

Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus – United Nation’s Director General



  1. zadza

    my friend do you have evidence that these are conspiracy……. do well research some information is being hidden to the public.

    i believe these things have a hidden agenda.

    1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro

      It’s ludicrous to ask for proof that a conspiracy theory is wrong or stupid. You, the one who is tabling or supporting the theory, should prove that it’s true. You can’t, hence it is called a theory. These are the same people who were championing that black people don’t get Corona, chionai makazvivharira mumba. If you ask those people today if black people get Corona, they now say “we are learning more about disease as we go” 🤣. It’s shameful ignorance!!

  2. Ekstelesteh

    Nonsense! You think you have information to dismiss these truths. You have no military or scientific or propaganda exeprience. Very naive article which shows how shallow you are. Go home, stop lying to people you belong to antiquity

  3. King

    Did you do any research at all before shooting down these so called theories? Because I don’t see anything of substance that you have said here

  4. Wiseman

    To be honest this articulate looks like it was written to address the concerns of a child. People who are yes sir oriented. Unfortunately we not the type. This article presents a lack of depth, maturity and understanding of how the world system works.

    1. Wilo

      Honest chiiko. Vengano munopera here. Zvenyu zashuro nagudo. Kubva kare zvichingonzi heee new world order . Stupidity.


    TECHZIM sit down, the world is bigger than what you taught you in school. I have researched from ID2020, Event201, millimeter waves. Do proper research before you feed the wrong information. Wakeup!

  6. moses

    your article is very shallow.

  7. wilo

    Thank you Techzim guys. Thats the truth . Unfortunately we have ppl who love folklore too much. As yu put , since 19th century these brats have been at everything that was ocurring in trying to push their lunacy. Covid will pass and nxt tym another one comes and gues what… they will be back. Hahahaha

  8. M Kuzwayo

    all those who are denigrating the techzim editors are modern day proverbial “cry wolfs’”. You just love sott.net conspiracies about the supposed new world order and want it to be true

  9. Anonymous

    People lets not be so much in love with fantasy to deny reality as it is. This is the reason why politicians lie to us by bringing to us fantasy and we fall prey to it. The article may be shallow, but conspiracies are conspiracies. That’s what the article serves to inform. If someone comes and says rain will one day fall sideways because of such and such, will we believe just because its been said as so? I know during these hard times, reality can be hard to bear. But its no excuse to go about criticising fact over fiction or rather postulates. Believe only these conspiracies when they have been proven right without a doubt. Vamwe vakanyura towards the year 2000, vatyisidzirwa zvisizvo.

    1. Anonymous

      But seriously guys ngatisasareyi kudaro. Tikadaro togara tichinyura. Lets be rational in our thought process. Ndikatotangawo changu chi conspiracy vanhu vangatobvuma ka apa. Same thing with this 5G conspiracy. Imi dai maRadio waves aiuraya kana kurwarisa takafa kare. There are naturally occurring EM waves anofamba through us. There are issues of dark matter and dark energy zvisingazikanwe. Munhu anokwanisa kutotanga conspiracy vanhu votokabira. Lets rely on established media houses. If sceptical, lets go to check the independent ones, also check with freelance journalists.

  10. Anonymous

    But seriously guys ngatisasareyi kudaro. Tikadaro togara tichinyura. Lets be rational in our thought process. Ndikatotangawo changu chi conspiracy vanhu vangatobvuma ka apa. Same thing with this 5G conspiracy. Imi dai maRadio waves aiuraya kana kurwarisa takafa kare. There are naturally occurring EM waves anofamba through us. There are issues of dark matter and dark energy zvisingazikanwe. Munhu anokwanisa kutotanga conspiracy vanhu votokabira. Lets rely on established media houses. If sceptical, lets go to check the independent ones, also check with freelance journalists.

  11. Anonymous

    But seriously guys ngatisasareyi kudaro. Tikadaro togara tichinyura. Lets be rational in our thought process. Ndikatotangawo changu chi conspiracy vanhu vangatobvuma ka apa. Same thing with this 5G conspiracy. Imi dai maRadio waves aiuraya kana kurwarisa takafa kare. There are naturally occurring EM waves anofamba through us. There are issues of dark matter and dark energy zvisingazikanwe. Munhu anokwanisa kutotanga conspiracy vanhu votokabira. Tikati gare gare toyeuchodzana pataurwa kuti Bitcoon richasvika million rikadonha nanaTripple M vaya. Lets rely on established media houses. If sceptical, lets go to check the independent ones, also check with freelance journalists.

  12. Anonymous

    The best thing techzim could do was to remain silent on these topics because the truth is no one really knows the who and why and how of this thing named SARS-CoV-2.

    The possibility remains that this could be caused by a group with their own agenda given that biological warfare is a reality or it’s simply a naturally occuring virus.

    l’m not even going to talk of 5g.

    So yes, in the eyes of the known world these things are looked at as theories and misinformation but theres so much propaganda all over the world and that is a well known fact.

    EVEN GOOGLING is NEVER is never guaranteed to yield correct results because the internet is full of false.

  13. yash

    there are lot of hackers who are looting people for fake covid medicines

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